Hey all!
Sorry I've been away. Well, away from the computer for the most part. I was laid off from my job a little over a week ago and couldn't be happier. Seriously. I hated that job so much. I received a severance package, so it's all good. Probably will be moving in the next couple of weeks to Idaho, where my parents live, and looking for a new job there.
I'm going to try to get into jewelry making. It looks fun and interesting. I'm going to go to the craft store tomorrow to try to get some sort of starter kit. I'm interested in making earrings and necklaces. Seems like something I would like, but we'll see.
Oh! I've got some of my nature photos for sale at http://kammphotography.etsy.com. Check 'em out, let me know what you think, buy something! ;)
Anyway, I'll try to keep up more than I have been lately. Later! =)
Other Places You can Find Me
2 years ago
Jobless! Congratulations, Jen... that really frees you up to do some planning, and get some much needed relaxation! Hope things are going well.