Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Jewelry Website & Other Things

Sooo I found someone to help me fix up my website, do logo designs, design business cards, letter head, etc etc, for me for an EXTREMELY good price. I've been looking around on the internet for web design...and damn it is expensive!! But this person, who's business is called New Shop Designs, does designing for artists who do handmade things (and others too), but she some how keeps the prices very low and very reasonable. I'm getting all I listed, plus a couple more things for 600. That's CHEAP! But so far she's sent me a sample logo and I love it! =)

Anyway, the way she's helping me set it up is going to save me money too, so I'm soooo glad that I ended up talking to her and having her do the designing. She said it will take about 10 days for everything to be done. But I have to finish paying her for it all before it'll go live. The awesome thing about her too is that she allows you to pay in installments for 3 months. You have to pay 33% as a deposit for the 1st payment though. I think it's awesome! Her site is If you're looking for a new layout for your site, or even your blog, NSD is an excellent choice!! I highly recommend it.

I'm also looking into cheap ways to take better photos of my jewelry. My pics just aren't cutting it right now. It's because I don't have all the necessary tools to make them look good. But I found a great tip online today to make a "photo tent" for about $15, rather than the professional photo tents that can range from $50 to $1000ish, depending on quality and what kind of kit you get.

Alright, I'm off for now. I'm going to go look for some inspiration for another piece. Lately I've been thinking of designing wedding jewelry, but I've got to educate myself on the latest fashions 1st.

TTFN (Ta-Ta for now!) =0)

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