Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Blog Has Moved!

Hi guys!

Since I'm no longer trying to concentrate on my photography, and instead on my jewelry & bead business, I've moved my blog. You can find it on my website:

You'll find a button on the left hand side. Click it and it will take you to it! Also take come time to check out my site. It's still being worked on though, so don't judge too harshly!! =) I'd love it if you guys would keep up with me there.

I'm also on twitter! I finally understand what its all about! Lol.

Ok, well I think I'm going to go be creative for about an hour then go to bed. Night guys!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Quickie

Hi everyone!

Haven't posted in FOREVER! I recently completed my inter-state move about, what, 2 weeks ago now? Then pretty much immediately after getting here I got sick. Couldn't do anything for about a week. Now I'm busy trying to promote my jewelry making and supply business! My website is done...kinda. The layout is, but I still have to go in to adjust/add things.

I've made a few sales in my jewelry business. One from artfire, one from etsy, and one off e-bay! I kinda get a little thrill when that happens. Lol. I might be making another sale on etsy soon. Had someone contact me about some beads I'm selling. I think they want to buy them in a larger quantity than I have listed. So I adjusted the listing for them. I hope they end up buying them! =0)

Oh! I also wanted to say to all my KTT friends: Sorry I haven't been around!! Waaay to busy these days!! But keep in touch with me you guys! Through here, e-mail, whichever you want!

Samaya - if you read this, I know you mentioned a few times that you were battling with yourself to resist your earring addiction. Which pair where you eyeing? Might be willing to send you a pair (if they aren't too expensive to make!! Lol).

Ok ok, I've got to go to bed soon! Night night!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Jewelry Website & Other Things

Sooo I found someone to help me fix up my website, do logo designs, design business cards, letter head, etc etc, for me for an EXTREMELY good price. I've been looking around on the internet for web design...and damn it is expensive!! But this person, who's business is called New Shop Designs, does designing for artists who do handmade things (and others too), but she some how keeps the prices very low and very reasonable. I'm getting all I listed, plus a couple more things for 600. That's CHEAP! But so far she's sent me a sample logo and I love it! =)

Anyway, the way she's helping me set it up is going to save me money too, so I'm soooo glad that I ended up talking to her and having her do the designing. She said it will take about 10 days for everything to be done. But I have to finish paying her for it all before it'll go live. The awesome thing about her too is that she allows you to pay in installments for 3 months. You have to pay 33% as a deposit for the 1st payment though. I think it's awesome! Her site is If you're looking for a new layout for your site, or even your blog, NSD is an excellent choice!! I highly recommend it.

I'm also looking into cheap ways to take better photos of my jewelry. My pics just aren't cutting it right now. It's because I don't have all the necessary tools to make them look good. But I found a great tip online today to make a "photo tent" for about $15, rather than the professional photo tents that can range from $50 to $1000ish, depending on quality and what kind of kit you get.

Alright, I'm off for now. I'm going to go look for some inspiration for another piece. Lately I've been thinking of designing wedding jewelry, but I've got to educate myself on the latest fashions 1st.

TTFN (Ta-Ta for now!) =0)

Friday, April 17, 2009


So I have a website for my jewelry. Jenell's Jewelry. I don't really like it, so I'm still tweaking it. But if anyone out there knows anything about designing websites or know someone that does, PLEASE refer them my way. Lol. Or if anyone knows anything about Paypal...there's something with the shipping that I can't figure out how to do. Please check it out, make suggestions, point out errors, etc etc.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I've started making jewelry and it is so much fun! I've already made about 6 or 7 pieces. You kind find the majority of them at Jenell's Jewelry. I have one or 2 yet to post on there. But take a look, let me know what you think, buy something if you're so inclined. ;) Anyway, just wanted to post that really quick before I go off to do...whatever it is that I'm going to do next...maybe eat some pie. =P

Ok, see you all later!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Rainbow (thanks Amy!) =)

Your rainbow is intensely shaded white, green, and blue.

What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Jobless and Loving It

Hey all!

Sorry I've been away. Well, away from the computer for the most part. I was laid off from my job a little over a week ago and couldn't be happier. Seriously. I hated that job so much. I received a severance package, so it's all good. Probably will be moving in the next couple of weeks to Idaho, where my parents live, and looking for a new job there.

I'm going to try to get into jewelry making. It looks fun and interesting. I'm going to go to the craft store tomorrow to try to get some sort of starter kit. I'm interested in making earrings and necklaces. Seems like something I would like, but we'll see.

Oh! I've got some of my nature photos for sale at Check 'em out, let me know what you think, buy something! ;)

Anyway, I'll try to keep up more than I have been lately. Later! =)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's Been Awhile

I've not written in awhile because there really is nothing new or exciting to report. I thought that maybe today we would here about my fiance's job interview, but no luck. Maybe tomorrow. I hope that he gets it because I am beyond ready to get out of here. I hate my job and the city we live in is growing increasingly more dangerous because of the freaking gangs.

I spent some of my afternoon after work fortifying my computer against the conflicker virus, after first making sure that I didn't have it on my computer. Didn't have it, but did have a lot of adware and trojans. Mostly adware though. So that's all removed and cleaned up, so I feel better about that at least.

I may try to do some writing tonight, but I don't know if I will be able to. My mind is lacking focus lately.

Ah well, until next time my friends.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Just a quick post. For some reason, tonight I have been suffering from an anxiety attack. I have no idea what is causing it, but it sucks! I had to get up and do some things around the house and that eased it a bit, but I'm still feeling a bit weird.

My parents are here visiting. Well not in my home, but close to the town where I live. I've been visiting with them this weekend and we plan on going to dinner tomorrow after work. They decided to take a vacation because my sister went to Spain on Thursday and will be gone til next Saturday, or something like that. I also got to visit with my cousin, who lives in the same town as me, but I never see her! I forget how much fun it is to hang out with her. I need to remember to hit her up more often to hang out.

Anyway, I'm signing off. Will write again soon. Night night!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Freecycle is such an awesome webite. It's one of the yahoo groups you can join. Freecycle has different chapters for different cities or counties. What you do is you can post things that you want to get rid of or you can put a request out for something you would like. People then reply by sending you e-mails. But it all has to be free. No one can charge you for anything (and you can't either). It is so awesome. The point of this is to keep people from just throwing still usuable stuff in the garbage. I've had many things I've given away already and let me tell you it has freed up so much space in my apartment!! lol

But one of the reasons I'm blabering about this site is because just last night I posted an offer for a box of Star Wars books, about 25 in all. I got soooooo many e-mail about them!!!! The only thing I hate is trying to decide who to give the things too. In most cases I'll just give it to the first person who e-mailed me. But I think I received between 10-15 e-mails asking if they were still available. When something is taken, you just post again saying TAKEN: (Item goes here). I posted my TAKEN thing, but I'm still getting e-mails about it. It has amazed me how many e-mails I got over a box of Star Wars books! But I'm glad they have a new home.

Anyway, enough about that. I know it's probably boring, but I just couldn't believe it. Lol. And had posted canned corn on there too (I had a bunch from costco that never got openned and would have never been used at my house) and I had probably 6-8 people e-mail about it. About frickin CORN! lol

Ok ok really. I'm just going to link their website so you can check it out.

Alright, signing off for tonight. Sorry I don't have anything a little more interesting than that. Lol. Maybe next time (but probably not). ;)

Friday, March 13, 2009


It was my battery. I took it out and the computer started right up. I will now be in the process of burning everything I possibly can onto CDs. Lol. Ok, well, thought I'd post an update. Later!! =)

Death of a Laptop

So laptop just died on me about 5 minutes ago. My fiance seems to think it might be the battery. Not sure yet. I'll have to remove the battery and try to run it on AC power only. If it doesn't work, I think that means it isn't the battery. Lol.

I have the worst luck with laptops. I'm suprised that this one has lasted as long as it did. I usually have the for about a year and then something will happen to it. I've had this one for 2 or 3 years now. So I'm hoping it's just the battery. Luckily (and I do mean luckily), most of the stuff on that computer is either saved in e-mail or still on a memory card. Lol. Some of it is burned on CD's but not much. If I had the room, I would go get myself a desktop. Laptops are convenient sometimes, but I think it's time that I go back to desktop. Especially if I'm going to be doing photo editing. It's not that fun doing it on a laptop.

Now I've got to try to figure out this problem. Joy for me. I shall write again.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's only Thursday...

I can't believe it's only Thursday! This week has gone incredibly slow for some reason. Thank God tomorrow is Friday!

So I had an interview with Wells Fargo, the company I used to work with. Hate the company that I'm working for now, and plus I'm trying to move out of state. I think I did well. I know one of the things I'm good at is job interviews. There have only been 3 jobs I've interviewed for that I haven't gotten. One job was when I was young and I didn't really want the job, so I didn't even try. Lol. Another one I didn't try very hard either. The I had just had surgery a few days before the interview and I didn't cancel or reschedule it. I just went. I wasn't at my best that day, let me tell you. Lol! I think I have to go through one more interview and then the wait begins. I hate the waiting part. They said it would probably be about a week before I would hear back. I hope it doesn't take them too long. If I get the job, I have to be up there before April 6th. I've got to give my 2 weeks and pack AND move to another state.

Speaking of packing...I had better try finding some moving boxes. There's a neat group called Freecycle where you can get give or get free stuff. There are local chapters for most areas. You can find the group on yahoo. It's a really cool idea. But my point is that I'm going to use that to ask for moving boxes. Joy. I love moving (not!).

I just noticed that my laptop keeps changing itself back to the "fall back" daylight savings time. Lol. I think I've changed it twice already. Stupid computer.

I think there was something else I was going to write about....buuuuut I forgot. hehe.

I shall write later if I remember, if not, until tomorrow (well maybe).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A job..

So I have a "job" for my photography portfolio soon. My daughter's babysitter wants me to take pictures of her youngest son. I talked to her a little but about it this afternoon. She's going to get back to me about the when/where part of it. I'm doing it free, because of course, I would like to build up my portfolio more before I go charging outrageous prices. ;)

Anywho! Just wanted to make a quick post. I don't have much time for writing lately because my daughter likes to come to sit in my lap when I have something to do...of course. I must sign off before she decides to come sit here and I won't even be able to finish my post!

I shall write later.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Hello everyone. My first blog post! How exciting! =)

Today has been a lazy day, although maddening. My little daughter, who is almost 19 months old (!) already, has been driving me nuts while I try to accomplish something with my photography today. I only have managed to set up my website at printroom (, and set up my blogspot site (and I'm still not done with that).

I'm pretty notorious for not keeping a regular blog, but dang it I'm going to try. I'm going to be trying to jump start my photography business soon. It's a tough field to jump into, but I love photography, so I'm willing to try. I've got business cards and everything! (Although now some of the info on them has changed, so that kind of sucks).

Well, check out my website. I do portrait and wedding photography, so if you're interested (or know someone who might be), please send me an e-mail at We can work something out! =)